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A special place in the Jewish history of our republic – Rashkov, where in 1914 lived more than 2000 Jews, 4 synagogues, the Jews owned a pharmacy, the only tannery in the area, a mill, timber stores, an inn, 50 shops and stores. The two doctors were also Jewish; A place that fascinates both with its picturesque landscape and the centuries-old juxtaposition and proximity of several cultures and traditions. Today in Rashkov, in memory of the glorious times of Jewish history, there are cemeteries, one of which is the resting place of the famous r. Shabtai, and the ruins of the largest synagogue in Moldova, the Great Rashkov Synagogue.







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Jewish History Tours

Jewish History Tours is using digitized heritage collections to create a network of self-guided audio tours in Jewish locations across Europe.

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1. Рынок

1 Story

2. Центр Рашкова

1 Story

3. Памятник жертвам Холокоста

1 Story

4. 2 еврейских дома

1 Story

5. «Маленькое» или «Старое» еврейское кладбище

1 Story

6. Собор Св. Каэтана

1 Story

7. «Панская крыница»

1 Story

8. Большая синагога

1 Story

9. Вид на Красную Скалу

1 Story

10. «Новое» еврейское кладбище

1 Story

11. Покровская церковь

1 Story

12. Музей Жарчинского

1 Story