The Royal Alcázares of Seville: from East to West

The Royal Alcázares of Seville: from East to West


The Royal Alcázares of Seville: from East to West

Alcázar is a Spanish word that comes from the Arabic al-qaṣr, "the castle" or "the palace", itself derived from the Latin castrum, “castle”. In fact, the Alcázares began to be built during the period of Islamic domination that began in year 712, so it was originally the residence of Muslim emirs and princes.







A tour by

Juan Alberto Romero

Art historian and tour guide, he is aware that bringing people closer to the cultural and natural heritage and communicating it with a critical attitude contributes to making our everyday environment a happier place.

Phone: +302103006246



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1. Lion's Gate

5 Stories

2. Hall of Justice

4 Stories

3. Patio de la Montería

4 Stories

4. Hall of Audiences

3 Stories

5. The Virgin of the Navigators

3 Stories

6. Distribution Hall

3 Stories

7. Patio de las Doncellas

4 Stories

8. Bedroom of the Moorish Kings

2 Stories

9. Patio de las Muñecas

3 Stories

10. Hall of Ambassadors

5 Stories

11. Maria Padilla´s Bath

3 Stories

12. Gardens of the Ladies

4 Stories

13. Hall of the Feasts

3 Stories

14. Tapestries Room

3 Stories

15. Carriage Room

3 Stories