Kazantzakis and the real Zorbas in Mani


Kazantzakis and the real Zorbas in Mani

Zorbas was a real person who deeply marked Kazantzakis. He experienced the real events that tied the two men with the bonds of friendship and which led to the book and then the movie. Many people think that history unfolded in Crete, but in fact everything was done here, in Mani, in 1917-1918.







A tour by

Cultural Association for Art & Nature " NARTURA"

Cultural Association for Art & Nature " NARTURA"

Email: nartura.association@gmail.com

Website: https://nartura.gr

Powered by Clio Muse Tours Clio Muse Logo

1. The bust of N. Kazantzakis

10 Stories

2. The mural

13 Stories

3. Kalogria beach

5 Stories

4. Kazantzakis' hut

8 Stories

5. The spring and the water through

2 Stories

6. Kazantzakis' cave

1 Story

7. Turkospilia cave (Cave of the Turk)

2 Stories

8. Kazantzakis' little house

1 Story

9. The Prince's spring

2 Stories

10. The tunnels in Prastova

5 Stories

11. Business offices

4 Stories

12. Louki

4 Stories