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3. The Apollo Belvedere | inv 1015

With his flawless grace, the Apollo is one of the most prized statues of antiquity in the Museum. He has inspired countless architects, art historians, sculptors, and painters throughout the centuries.


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Facing the pinecone, you will head to your right. Cross the courtyard and follow the crowds through the iron door, about 50m to the right of the pinecone. When you reach the door, enter the building, turn left, on the staircase bringing upstairs to the Octagonal courtyard, on the left, there are toilets. Climb the stairs,at the top, turn left until you find the Octagonal Courtyard. Entering the Courtyard, turn left and, at the corner, you will see the Apollo Belvedere statue.

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A jewel for Julius II

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The perfect model

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