Nikolaos Glykis: the first “bee” of Epirus in Venice
Nikolaos Glykis: the first “bee” of Epirus in Venice
In 1644, Nikolaos Glykis moved to Venice permanently and founded the Glykis Brothers trading house. From 1671 to 1850, the Glykis dedicated themselves to typographic art and opened a bookstore. Their enterprise was the longest-lived Greek printing house in Venice.The publishers Nikolaos Saros (1686-1706/7) and Demetrios and Panos Theodosiou (1755-1824) from Epirus followed Glykis’ example.They aimed to unite the Greeks around the world with Orthodox publications. Secular, liturgical, and pastoral books supply the spiritual nourishment Greek lands could not offer due to the Ottoman conquest.The Special Collections of the Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina are home to their valuable publications. (Image: Planche de l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert. Pl. 1. / Imprimerie en Lettres, L’Opération de la casse. Musée Carnavalet, Histoire de Paris, G.33153 IIIF Manifest: Image IIIF manifest
A tour by
Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina
The Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina is a Legal Entity of Public Law of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. The library catalogue includes manuscripts (10/11th - 19th century) and approximately 300,000 bibliographic items, including more than 35,000 post-incunables. The publications funded by the Zosimas brothers and the Epirote printing houses of Glykis and Theodosiou in Venice stand out.
Research-writing: Tina Tassou, Editing: Vaia Oikonomidou, Translation: Leonidas Argyros, Greek Narration: Antonis Vlavogelakis, English Narration: Lawrence Maximilian