Ephesus, the ancient pearl of the Mediterranean


Ephesus, the ancient pearl of the Mediterranean

In ancient times, Ephesus was a bustling trading city and a center of worship of Cybele — the Anatolian goddess of fertility. In time, she was adopted into the Graeco-Roman religion as Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and the wilderness. In Ephesus, she was worshipped in the enormous temple that was one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.







A tour by

Izabela Miszczak

Izabela Miszczak is publisher and editor of TurkishArchaeoNews.net, She has also authored several guidebooks to the ancient cities situated in the area of Turkey.

Phone: +302103006246

Email: bookings@cliomusetours.com

Website: https://www.cliomusetours.com

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